IMagine 产品组合
氧化镁 – 苛性煅烧
氧化镁 (MgO) – 苛性烧制,也称为 CCM,是在 750-1000°C 的原始菱镁矿(MgCO3) 烧制过程中形成的。由于烧制过程温和,它保持化学活性,因此具有广泛的用于技术应用和农业部门。
氧化镁 – 烧结
氧化镁 (MgO) – 烧结,也称为 DBM,是在 1750-2100°C 的原始菱镁矿(MgCO3) 烧制过程中形成的。由于其化学反应性极低和抗热震性高,因此使用DBM,其中其他方面,在耐火材料和特种化学品的生产中。
硫酸镁 (MgSO4) 是一种硫酸镁盐,用于各种化学过程和农业部门。
碳酸镁 (MgCO3) 是一种天然原料,是各种镁基工艺的来源。它用于陶瓷和许多化学工艺。
氢氧化镁 (Mg(OH)2) 是一种碱性镁化合物,可作为矿物和合成形式应用。它被用作pH中和剂,除其他外,由于其高分解性而用作无卤素阻燃剂 温度。
Magnesium Oxide – feed quality
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) – caustic calcined, also known as CCM, is produced during the calcination of raw magnesite (MgCO3) at 750-1000°C.
Magnesium Oxid – fused
Magnesium oxide (MgO) – fused, also known as FM, is produced by fusion of magnesium oxide (MgO) in electric arc furnaces(…)
Iron Hydroxide
The iron oxyhydroxide IMag S ABSORB Rapid is of natural origin and is produced by a wet mechanical and synthetic process, milled and homogenized
Wollastonite (CaSiO3) is a calcium salt of metasilica and belongs to the mineral class of silicates.
Our raw materials at a glance
- Iron hydroxide
- Magnesium oxide – caustic calcined
- Magnesium oxide – fused
- Magnesium oxide – Food Quality
- Magnesia – sintered
- Magnesium carbonate
- Magnesium chloride
- Magnesium hydroxide
- Magnesium nitrate
- Magnesium sulfate
- Potassium sulfate
- Synthetic magnesia
- Wollastonite